The chip used in the TYT USB cable are either way old or else are counterfeit. I feel hesitant about providing this info.
The more-sure way is to order the red cable from PowerWerx, which works with the up-do-date Prolific driver. It contains the genuine and more recent Prolific chip. Note that although the Wouxun cable works with TYT, you will still need to install the specific TYT software for the UV8000E. I’ve also heard, but have not personally verified, that CHIRP now works with the UV8000E. I received the following message from N3LKZ, which I quote in full and without editing. Kudos for at least being honest that TYT paid you in one way or another for making the infomercial.
However, you didn’t mention whether the radio is FCC type approved, and you didn’t say whether you got a kickback if somebody bought the radio using your link. I’m not sending this to be snarky, but instead to let you know that YouTube viewers aren’t, by in large, stupid. Some of us have finely tuned bullshit detectors, and some of us can spot a shill a mile off.